
Galleries, Photos

The Secret Space of Fabric | Every Garden an Eden


The Secret Space of Fabric


Some of the works from this series were exhibited:

“CDFP 383 Digital Capture I Final Exhibit.”Heidelberg Centre. 125 Bond Street, Toronto, Canada. 12 April 2010.

“The Chang School Photography Juried Exhibit.” The Ryerson Gallery, 80 Spadina Street, Toronto, Canada.Blouse [Chemise] en mousseline de soie.” 2010.


Mirror. Digital Capture. 2010

Chemise en mousseline de soie.





“Lahley” (Tulip)






See also the poem The Secret Space of Fabric


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To Cite these Works:

CMS Valérie C. Kaelin Website: Art; Photo; Kaelin, Valérie C. “Name of Photo”; 2010. Digital Capture. December 13, 2012. Accessed Month, Day, Year.

MLA Kaelin, Valérie C.  “Name of Photo.” Digital Capture. 2010. In Valérie C. Kaelin Website: Art: Photos. 13 Dec. 2012. Web. Add Day, Abbreviation for Month, Year.